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Reunions - past and future

This page will provide details of the next reunion and a countdown to it. When tickets are available for sale and overnight accommodation available for booking we'll provide links to how you can do those things. If you want detailed information (such as who is going) or information and photographs from past reunions then you need to log-in to the site.

Who are they for?

We've now had a number of reunions for alumni who first attended the College during the 70s. Over time these have slowly extended themselves to cover all those who did their time between 1965 and 1985. This was a very unique period for the students; as the sixties got into the swing of things, male undergraduates were admitted for the first time changing the environment forever. New halls were built to accommodate this strange new species, the character of the social life changed forever but the college remained relatively small with only around 1000 students. This number grew slowly and the balance between female and male students grew towards equilibrium until 1985 where a merger with Bedford College took place and numbers grew rapidly.

When have they happened?

Reunions covering the 70s decade were held on a three year cycle between 2007 and 2019, and prior to that there had been some smaller events, several of the earlier events were organised by Pete Challinger and the 2007 event was organised by thye alumni team at the College.
Those since 2007 were organised by the tone-deaf Jon Cutter with Pete Challinger providing the musical accompaniment and the evening disco.
Details of all of the earlier reunions  can be found on the various pages of the web site - provided you have registered your alumni details and are signed in. There you will see all the attendees with badges showing how they used to look to compare with how they look now. It is one of the few indicators that we have all aged!

When's the next one?

The 2022 reunion was somewhat marred by the death of the Queen a few days earlier and the College limiting the amount of partying that could take place resulting in a more subdued event than usual.

However John & Janet Parker were undeterred by this last-minute setback in what would have been a great event and are now organising another event in 2024 and a tentative date has been agreed with the College.

It will be on 14th / 15th September 2024 and will follow a similar format to earlier events.

More details will be provided once a bit more planning has occurred.

RHC65-85 Reunion

Countdown to September 14th 2024

Register / Sign in to get more information

There will be a lot more information about the 2024 reunion for those who are registered on the website and signed in once planning has developed a bit further.

Once signed in you will also be able to see details of all the previous reunions as well as a messaging service to allow you to contact other alumni and make arrangements for your own plans over the weekend.